Tips To Protect, Repair, And Arrange For Sealant Treatment To Your Asphalt Pavement
When you spend the investment to update your yard with asphalt pavement, a great deal of work and preparation goes into installing it properly and for a solid foundation. However, your asphalt pavement is going to be exposed to wear and tear, which can put it at risk of damage. Here are some recommendations to ensure your asphalt pavement lasts a long time.
Complete Repairs
As a responsible homeowner, there are many tasks you can complete on your own to keep your yard and property updated and in good repair. And one of those repairs can consist of your pavement's repairs when cracks and damage occur. If you are not diligent about keeping up your asphalt's surface with small crack filling and regular sealcoating, its surface can become dry and cracked, leading to potholes. Fortunately, many asphalt repairs can be basic to repair as long as you follow some recommendations, otherwise, you should hire professional asphalt maintenance to protect your pavement's structure and integrity.
When a crack forms within the pavement, it will usually reach all the way down to the pavement's base layer of aggregate. So when a pothole occurs, you will need to repair the damage by preparing the edges of the pothole with clean cuts from the edge of a shovel or a pavement saw. Cut out the irregular edges of your pothole to create clean edges and remove all debris from the hole. Replace any aggregate within the hole and tamp it down before applying a new asphalt mixture, which you can use as a hot mix or bagged cold patch repair mixture.
Compact the patched materials to compress them and to level them with surrounding surfaces. Be sure you also follow up with a pavement sealcoating to protect the surrounding pavement, seal in the crack, and restore flexibility to the entire pavement surface.
Apply Crack Filler
A crack filler is also an easy repair task you can complete on your pavement. Following a regular patching schedule will fill in small cracks before they can become potholes, and it is good preparation for a sealcoat application. Arrange for a professional sealcoating to your pavement every few years to keep it protected, in good appearance, and maintained.
The process of sealcoating presses and smooths the sealcoating emulsion into and over cracks and the dried-out surface of your pavement. Because asphalt is made of emulsion, the sealcoating application is a new coating of this emulsion over aggregate in the pavement that is becoming exposed from age, traffic wear, and exposure to the elements.
To learn more about protecting and applying asphalt sealcoating to your pavement, reach out to a local paving contractor.